Scheduling the press template

Hello Barbell Medicine,

I recently finished the Bridge and now I am moving into the 12 week press template. This will be my first program where I am training 4 times a week. I don’t think I will be able to train every other day due my scheduling and if I did, each day is going to shift by a day every week. So I was thinking of doing this:

Saturday-Day 1
Monday-Day 2
Wed-Day 3
Thursday-Day 4
Friday-GPP (When I hit the 3rd week)

So I will be making day 3 and 4 consecutive days to train. Would these lead to any negative outcomes with my training weeks down the road? This is my first time where I’m training two days in a row. Please let me know if I’m missing any details, and I apologize if this has been asked already. Could not find any topics similar to mine.

Thank you, Barbell Medicine.

Hi Sean,

Training two days in a row on a program like this is totally fine. Many of us choose to training on M/Tu/Th/Fr, with GPP added in there.