Selecting template

Thanks for all the detailed descriptions of the templates you offer and thanks also more generally for awesome content. I am heading in to a phase in life where there will not be as much time for me to lift. Lots of work, I am a single parent with full custody etc. Naturally I looked in to the time crunch one, however, it struck me that maybe I am not that much in a hurry. I don’t need to be done in 60 minutes, but preferably in 90. On average would you think that is doable for the strength 1 template? If not would the HLM-template be a better fit, or should I just stick with the time crunch for now?

As for my goals, I am an (early) intermediate lifter. Been lifting more seriously for a year and a half. Just finished your 7 week hypertrophy after going two rounds of Andy Baker programs. I would like to continue to gain strength and perhaps also lean out a bit more during the next six months. Again, this will have to be done under some more time restriction than what I have been used to.


I think you can do any of the templates except for maybe PL II and III in 90 minutes or less. Strength 1, PB 1, or General S/C would be my recommendations here :slight_smile:

Thanks! Will try strength 1 then. :slight_smile: