Severe Paresthesia?

Hello, I plan on speaking to my doctor about this either way, but i respect your opinion.

After Heavy-ish squats @ RPE 8-9, i will finish my entire session but will later nearly faint. I feel fine after the squats but as i start walking away i start feeling a tingle in my hands and i get really light headed to where i have to stop where i am and lay down for 20 minutes before i feel like i can drive home safely. This has happened to me a few times before, SPECIFICALLY after squats but wont happen with any other movement at the same RPE and reps.

My hydration isn’t an issue, i definitely eat enough although my diet could be better. I dont do any crazy cardio, but i spend 20 minutes on the treadmill walking on an incline i suspect my cardiac health is fine.

There is a history of Diabetes and dementia in my family, I have a very active background.

Anyway, have you seen this before, and are there any reccomendations

This is pretty unusual. Unfortunately it’s hard to get enough background detail via a forum post to hypothesize on this, but assuming you’re relatively young and don’t have much in terms of medical history/medications, I’m not entirely sure what is causing this.