Shoulder pain after benching

On December 26, I experienced pain in my right shoulder while bench pressing 185 lbs for work sets across. The pain was not enough to stop me mid set, and I easily finished my sets for the bench and the rest of the workout. I went to bench again on December 30 while my shoulder was still sore. While warming up with 95 lbs, I felt the same sensation as previous. Again it was not enough to stop my training in any way. I have been sore ever since and have opted not to bench and only press. When I first start pressing with just the empty bar, I feel tight in the front of my shoulder, but the feeling begins to deafen to a certain degree as I warmup and eventually hit my work sets. After training, however, the soreness worsens slightly for a few minutes.

The soreness seems to originate underneath the acromion and radiates along the collar bone and sometimes down the side delt.

I trained with a SSOC client on the 30th who did not see any obvious technique errors that would cause this (scapula retracted, legs driving to reinforce arch, elbows tucking appropriately), but I am having a SS coach check my form in the near future.

Aside from that, Should I be concerned that the soreness has not dissipated (it is January 6th as I am typing this)?

Other info that may or may not be relevant:
Male, 25, 5’5", 165 lbs, running novice linear progression, no previous injuries to the right shoulder, hairline fractured left collarbone at age 15 (no surgery)

Thank you for your time!

Hard to say exactly what you did, but the fact that you can warm up to press and it improves is encouraging. Have you listened to our podcasts on pain/injury? That’s the approach I would take.

It is my favorite episode. I’m following the instructions, although, I should listen to it again as a refresher. It sounds to me that you are not concerned at the moment, so I’ll just keep plugging away without a medical screening (I think you had a timeline on this kind of thing in your podcast now that I think of it). Thanks for taking the time to reply, Austin!