Shoulder Pain

I have a friend who’s been dealing with shoulder pain for about 8 - 10 weeks now. It started off as a sharp, pinching sensation in the center of the shoulder when he would execute certain ranges of motion. If done too often, these activities would result in a dull ache, which lasted for about 8* weeks. Over the last 2 weeks it has started to subside slightly, however it is ever present when he moves his arm on a lateral plane, ex. performing lateral raises and shoulder presses. Oddly enough, it doesn’t seem to bother him when he is benching. Also, in his second session back to the gym during this time period he experienced pain squatting low bar. He felt as though during the squats that the lift was going to be compromised because of the pain he was feeling in his shoulder. He felt as though he couldn’t properly secure the bar and felt like it was a safety concern not a pain management issue. There wasn’t a specific event he remembers hurting his shoulder and the pain has seemingly came out of nowhere. His concern isn’t with pain management, it is in compromising the integrity of the shoulder if there was a tear or something similar present. Any tips or advice, ways to help him out would be greatly appreciated!
