Sleep Hygiene - sleep trackers?


I respect Barbell Medicine’s greatly and I find the team has very nuanced, balanced opinions and was curious on BBM’s approach to sleep.

is it worth tracking via an Apple Watch or app on the iPhone? Are they even accurate?

I’m curious if there’s a general recommendation to ensuring generally good sleep and if apps or tracking via an Apple Watch is worth the squeeze or should we just generally try a get a good amount of time in bed and wake up feeling refreshed and have a consistent sleep schedule and not actually “track” it if it doesn’t provide any benefit.

Do you have any specific concerns about your sleep?

If not, I would not worry about this. If you do, I would target those specific concerns.

Assuming good sleep habits are in place, it is unlikely that one of these devices is going to provide you with accurate, actionable information beyond what would already be recommended. And furthermore, if there are persistent issues despite good sleep habits, the next step would be to consult with a physician and potentially undergo formal sleep testing to provide this kind of accurate, actionable information.

Not really. I generally feel very well-rested. I usually go to bed every night around 11ish and wake up around 7:30ish. I was just wondering mostly if this is recommended as it seems a lot of people in the fitness space track their sleep with Oura rings, Apple Watches, etc. so I was wondering if it’s worth the effort.

For myself, tracking nutrition for example is sort of needed since I have a lot of performance-related goals and my appetite is garbage and I loosely track steps/go on daily walks because otherwise I extremely sedentary so those seem to have benefits to me.

Are there any specific good sleep habits you’d recommend? Just to make sure I’m ticking all the boxes.

If you feel very well-rested, I would just go on living your life.

Thank you king. I hadn’t come across that article. It’s brilliant.