Sleep quality medications

Out of curiosity, what drugs do you two prescribe for patients with sleep quality issues due to a disorder? I’m not talking about insomnia or sleep apnea but those who feel unrested upon waking up no matter how much sleep they get and assuming sleep hygiene is 100% on point. I know that benzos aren’t a good idea as they negatively impact sleep architecture and just knock you out unconscious. From my research the best medications for these issues are usually GABA-B agonists like Xyrem, Gabapentin, Pregablin and Baclofen. Any experiences with patient response on those?

I have been waiting 2.5 years for my in-lab sleep study and growing impatient. I don’t have sleep apnea or insomnia but I never wake up feeling well rested. I have massive dark bags under my eyes and generally feel tired all day. I don’t use any stimulants because they worsen my sleep and just mask the symptoms. I practice absolutely stellar sleep hygiene (trust me on this) and don’t take any substances or supplements that could cause an issue with sleep. Thanks!


Thanks for the post and hope you’re doing well.

As far as what medications we prescribe “due to a disorder” that depends on many factors including the actual diagnosis, medical history, severity, etc.

That said, I would disagree that the medications you listed here are good for sleep architecture or quality. Gabapentin is often used when there is some element of pain associated with the disorder.

That said, there’s some evidence for improved sleep architecture- that is, the regular progression through sleep phases, with Trazodone if prescribed for the correct diagnosis.

I’m also not sure if you can rule out sleep apnea or parasomnia without a sleep study, which is what you’d need to get a better handle on this.

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I did get sleep study in home and they said I don’t even come close to having apnea. I have tried trazodone actually but it makes me feel really groggy and depressed the next day unfortunately.

That’s good to hear re: apnea, but you’d need a sleep study in a lab to rule out the other parasomnias. Additionally, it is very unusual to have those reactions to trazodone (especially the depressed part).

In any event, my recommendation would be to see your doctor about getting a sleep study in the lab and seeing a psychiatrist as well.

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