Specialty Bars

Hey fellas, I have a quick question about specialty bars. Loving the templates so far, my question is about some substitutions I’ve been making. I’ve been using a Duffalo bar for all bench press variations, (besides Incline Bench)because it has a larger range of motion, & the manufacturer claims it improves the biomechanics, and improves joint and shoulder pain. They make this claim for all pressing variations. I’ve also been using a transformer bar for all squatting variations, since it’s easier to do different squat variation (high bar, low bar, front squat). It’s also more comfortable. Is this a reasonable solution? Please keep in mind I’m not a competitive powerlifter, and my main goals are health and strength.

thanks for your time and all you do:).


While I would disagree with the manufacturer’s claims- particularly around pain- and also chastise them for using nebulous phrasing like “improved biomechanics”, you can use those bars for your squat and press pattern movements if you like them.

I do think there’s some benefit to training with multiple different implements over time.
