Squat Assistance

I am currently running your 12 week intermediate strength template and am see great success. I’m lifting 3 days/week with one Comp. Squat day (Low Bar), one 3-cnt Pause Squat day (Low Bar), and one Front Squat day.

I’ve been lifting, strength orientated, for 2 years, and I have a 500/300/455 S/B/D@220.

Without it being too nuanced, would I be better served with High Bar Squats as opposed to Front Squats due to it being more specific (bar on back), and still “working the quads” to a degree?
Thank you.


I don’t think there’s likely to be a huge strength difference between HBBS and F/S in the context you mention UNLESS your front rack sucks and you cannot actually front squat relatively challenging weights because of it. All squats work the quads and I wouldn’t pick a variation based on perceived quad work (PQW) just like I wouldn’t pick a squat variation based on perceived back work (PBW). They’re all roughly similar given the same relative intensities.