Squat Variations in Beginner Template

Hey guys! I’m loving the Beginner Template so far and making great progress and increasing my work capacity. I’ve finally started on Phase 3 (after repeating “Week 8” for a month!) this week and I had a question about the squat variations for Days 2 and 3.

Are the Day 2 variations grouped together and separate from the Day 3 variations for any particular reason?

I don’t have access to a leg press or belt squat, so for Phase 2 Day 3 I did split squats, not realizing that Phase 3 Day 3 had those programmed by default. And I can’t really do any of the other variations for Phase 3 Day 3 due to space/equipment limitations.

Are the hack squats meant to be machine hack squats? I could probably do barbell hack squats if that’s what is meant in the template.

I do have an SSB and I was thinking of just doing those on Day 3. But if there was a specific reason for SSB as a variation for Day 2 and not Day 3, that’s basically what I want to know. I’m fine with the default pin squats on Day 2 and don’t need a variation.

TLDR: Barbell hack squats or SSB squats on Phase 3 Day 3?


Thanks for the post and hope you’re enjoying the Beginner Template :slight_smile:

For your questions:

  1. Yes, as the Day 3 variations are a bit less fatiguing in general. Can you pick another movement for Day 2 or 3 based on your equipment availability?

  2. Yes, though you could do Hatfield squats though with the SSB for Day 3 in place of hack squats.

Hey thanks for this, the Hatfield squat looks interesting. Something new every day.

Now, that’s confusing.

I also assumed that the hack squat in the 3rd squat slot of phase 3 is meant to be a barbell hack squat, since the machine hack squat is explicitly mentioned in the 2nd squat slot.

Thanks, Jordan! I knew there had to be a reason, and now I feel that much more knowledgeable about BBM’s programming. I’ll give Hatfield squats a try!

You could do either, though I don’t really like barbell hack squats at all.