Stinging/Burning/Tearing pain on right rib

For 2 - 3 weeks now I have had an occasional burning/tearing type of sensation that’s right on my rib/sternum just under the bottom “corner” of pec. It seems to only happen 1 - 2x a day and specifically while laying down, if I move a certain way the pain flares up for 5 seconds or so then goes away, and the sensation is that something is moving/trapped. It never bothered me while working out until today when it flared up while attempting 3rd set of slingshot bench, as I was stretching out the slingshot to grab the bar (so, lying on my back, moving both arms outward against resistance of the slingshot).

I had a routine physical scheduled for yesterday so I asked my Dr about it. He does not think it is a hernia. He noted that the end of one of the ribs on my right side pops out a bit more than the left, and believes (I may not be explaining this 100% correctly) a strain in my back muscle that is connecting to that rib is essentially pulling it, and the nerve connected to that rib is getting pinched. The assumption is if this muscle strain is relieved the issue will resolve itself.

The only training connection I can make is that a couple weeks ago for back accessory I switched from underhanded chin ups to overhanded pull ups, and that maybe, maybe, this could have aggravated something?? Who knows.


  1. Is this a plausible explanation? I don’t have any reason to believe it isn’t but I also have no idea. I guess I want to start with a baseline that ‘yes this is something that happens’.
  2. Are there programming recommendations to do/not do? I happen to have just finished week 4 of Strength I, so a couple of weeks before a deload is programmed. I plan to lay off back accessories for a bit. I am prepping for a meet at the end of April so I would like to stick to the programming to the extent possible.
  3. Similarly are there any recovery type of activities that could be beneficial? Is this an issue where any kind of massage, chiro visit, hot/cold etc. would be potentially helpful?
  4. Finally, could it have anything to do with gaining weight, being a little fluffy in prep for the meet? For reference am 5’10", 191lb, waist circumference around belly button around 37.5" this morning. Not out of control but eating in a surplus has me pretty full most of the time, could this be pushing anything out of place?

Thanks for looking into my relatively long question here, I can add a photo if it’s helpful but hopefully this is a good description of things.

  1. No, I don’t think this is a plausible explanation for several reasons. I also don’t think that it requires significant concern given the low frequency in which it has occurred during your training.
  2. I would stick with your scheduled programming and use this article here to help guide any modifications that you may need based on your symptoms.
  3. See the above article for general recommendations. We would not generally recommend massage, spinal manipulation, heat/cold packs as these modalities do not improve performance or change tissue structure/function.
  4. I’m skeptical that this would be directly related to increased weight. If this continues to be an issue with you, someone from our pain and rehab team would be happy to consult with you remotely as this would allow us the time to dedicate to your specific concern.

Thanks so much for the feedback. I will look over the pain article for training advice and I agree if it starts to impede training or daily life a consult is probably a good idea.

You have me curious though, any idea what the physical issue could be then? Is this something where you seen others experiencing similar types of symptoms?