Strength for Olympic Weightlifting


I just finished the Olympic Weightlifting Template and am thinking that it would be good to do a “strength cycle.” Would it be a terrible idea to run Powerlifting I but swap out low-bar squat, bench press, and deadlift for HBBS, push press, and clean deadlift respectively? I’d still perform a small amount amount of snatch and C&J work to try and maintain technique.

Please let me know if you think this is the wrong way to approach strength development for olympic weightlifting.

Hey Clint,

Barring any discussion about the strength needs for Olympic WL and other athletes, I think all training programs should have periods of time where maximal strength improvements at some point in the training year/years. As far as how long and what degree or prioritization should be allocated for maximal strength, that will depend on the sport and the individual.

I think the “bones” of the powerlifting program are a good for maximal strength development. I also think the movements you’re selecting are likely to have a high degree of transference to WL. I am not sure if this will be better than re-running the Oly template for your snatch and c/j at the end, but it will give you information about the relationship between your maximal strength and WL performance. That’d be useful for deciding what’s next.


Thank you, Jordan, for the clear and helpful reply.