olympic weightlifting template

Thank you all for the incredible content! truly appreciated.
I wanted to ask, how does the olympic weightlifitng template go about teaching the lifts?cause i know it is quit tough without a coach.
If i already have a coach (which i dont think is the best at programing) can i run the program and just ask her to look at my technique? do i have/should i do that on all 4 training days? or is 2 days with the coach enough?
Thanks in advance!!

We don’t do anything specific for teaching the lifts in the template, as there wouldn’t be a one-size-fits-all approach here. That said, gradually exposing the lifter to more frequency, variants, and repetition would be the overall goal.

While you certainly don’t need a coach to do anything, having one may be useful in troubleshooting some technique issues. We wouldn’t recommend trying to use someone else’s programming while paying a coach, but you’re certainly free to do as you wish.