Strength1 question

I am wrapping up week 4 of Strength 1, the last week of overload-style lifts. I feel like I am just starting to get momentum with them and could get another few good weeks out of them. Any reason why I shouldn’t repeat week 4 a couple times, if things are going well, before proceeding with the rest of the program as written?

Thanks for any feedback and all of the great content.

I would run week 4 repetitively until it stopped working for you :slight_smile:

Sorry to barge in. So Dr, can we do this for all templates that have multiple blocks (the ones with a low stress week to differentiate between them)? I’ve seen it explicitly mentioned in the beginner template only, but not in the Strength/Powerbuilding I templates.

Btw, a confused humble brag. I got dumbfounded from today’s training performance after having added 15 lbs to my 4 rep squat work sets after a weekend of poor eating and sleep.

Yea, you can run a successful block ad infinitum until it stops working.

nice job on the PR!

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How to define this “until it stops working”?
Is the one week of down performance or stagnation of that last week before deload (high stress week) enough or is it more nuanced?

That’s quite subjective isn’t it?

I think when strength doesn’t go up after ~2 weeks, barring any significant change in life stress or similar, we could say the program isn’t really working from a strength perspective.