Hi. If my plan is to not peak for new maxes, which templates do I do?
I started with Hypertrophy 2 since I have the time. I was wondering what template should I run after Hypertrophy 2. Running a strength template makes me ready to hit new maxes after 13 weeks and I don’t want that. Would it be better if I ran Hypertrophy 2 and then Powerbuilding 2 and then go back to Hypertrophy 2 until I decide to do a peak or is there any other way around this? Thanks!
Thanks for the post and good question.
I think the next step in your training progression requires you to identify your “why”. Why are you resistance training and why don’t you want to hit new 1RMs?
Hi Jordan. Long time since we last had a discussion between each other over on Instagram. It’s not that I don’t wanna hit new 1RM’s. I think I should be building a bigger base in order to hit better PR’s. Currently doing Hypertrophy 2. Can I and should I do Hypertrophy 2, Powerbuilding 2 and then Powerlifting 2 and after this I repeat the whole cycle over again or is Hypertrophy 2 or Powerbuilding 2 and then Powerlifting 2 better than the first option?
Yes, I have not forgotten.
As far as developing strength, I think this needs to be done progressively over time and delaying exposures to strength training will likely attenuate your improvements in strength. I am not familiar with your training history or competitive aspirations at present, but I would run hypertrophy OR powerbuilding, then a strength template if someone was primarily interested in improved strength in the big lifts.