Doing this seems to fatigue me a lot more than the equivalent warm-up/work-up sets at lower rep ranges. Just wondering if you’d keep the same strategy or cap them at a lower number until you reach the first work set. Cheers
We tend to recommend the “warm up with the prescribed rep range” the first time you do a novel exercise, in order to help find your starting weights / RPE targets.
Once you get more “calibrated”, you can drop things down as you described.
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This is really helpful, thanks. Doing so many reps of 3-0-3 squats for every warm-up set was killing me…
FYI, you might want to rephrase things in The Bridge PDF. As it stands, it says:
“How should I warm up? We recommend doing repeated sets of 5 with the empty barbell for the first exercise every minute on the minute for 8-10 minutes until appropriately warm. Then, we recommend sticking to the prescribed rep range for that exercise and increasing weight.”
Cheers again!