Taking a break from certain movements (or lifting altogether?)

Hey guys

What is your opinion on taking a break from certain movements or even lifting altogether for a short period of time while pursuing other goals? For context, I’m a non-competitive lifter that’s been strength training regularly for the past 8+ years, been consistently in the gym 3-4 times a week and my training consists of compound movements like the squat, bench, deadlift, press, rows, etc.

I was listening to your latest podcast today and Austin mentioned how his wife took a break from lifting weights to train for a rucking event and I’ve had thoughts before of pursuing other goals or sports (like rock climbing, long distance running, etc.) but was hesitant because I felt like it would take away from my strength training. I’ve also just thought of taking a break from the big 3 for a couple months for a mental break but get into my own head that I’ll lose all my strength (even though this shouldn’t be the case if I’m still lifting). I guess the mental hurdle for me is the biggest thing and I’d like some reassurance that this is ok to do? I’d love to be able to feel like I have the freedom to take a short break from SBD (or even lifting) temporarily to pursue other activities and forms of exercise without feeling like I’m losing out on something by not training the powerlifting movements.

FYI- I don’t think Austin’s wife took time off lifting weights entirely and I would not recommend that in general for pursuit of any other fitness-related goal, conditioning or otherwise.

That being said, I think a lot of people prioritize the squat, bench press, and deadlift by convention- likely based on how they were taught to lift or otherwise got introduced to resistance training. I don’t think people outside of powerlifting should be prioritizing performance in these specific variants of the squat, press, and hinge movement patterns unless they want to.

You definitely don’t have to do SBD, but you do have to lift.

Thanks Jordan, really appreciate it and the work you guys put out