Template Recomendation ?

Dear BBM people,

I have a question on selecting a template for my particular situation, here are some details

  • weight 210 lbs, waist size 35 inches, height 5’11
  • squat 375 lbs bench 275 lbs deadlift 460 lbs
  • the goal is to lose 10 pounds with a 500 kcal deficit (so should last about 9 weeks) while trying to maintain strength (as much as possible) on the main lifts

PS: thanks a lot for the content you guys have been putting out in the recent years, my training has benefited greatly from it, you guys rock.

One of the powerbuilding or powerlifting templates would be my recommendation, with the choice between the available versions being dependent on how often you’d like to train and how long you’ve been training for. I’d guess powerbuilding II or III would be the best choice if you’re forcing me to choose :slight_smile:

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Thanks a lot for the answer, Jordan, much appreciated. Powerbuilding II it is then !