Just saw the post in the FB group about deadlift grip and the response from @Jordan_Feigenbaum with sharing “The Grip Problem” article. Wow, such an excellent article with not only depth, but really covering the topic in such a full fashion. Brilliant, thank you.
However, as an alternate grip deadlifter and seeing the (seemingly not uncommon) discussion about biceps ruptures and overall tone that this isn’t a great grip — well, I’m a bit bummed right now and having some thoughts that should I invest effort into the hook grip at this stage of the game.
I like to think that I have a fairly mature/solid technique these days, although I have suffered from impatience during my form. It’s coming mainly in the way of rounding back and not really jerking the bar no having a bent elbow.
Comments were turned off for that post, so if there is additional color here that can be given, it will be appreciated.
I can see how you got that impression, however the actual risk of a biceps rupture from a DL is still very low. The risk is there if you pull with the supinated arm, flexed elbow. but it’s not a high risk, as far as we know. There is not a tremendous amount of data on the number of times this has actually happened, as far as I know.
I’d keep in mind that this is an older article of Jordan’s and it might delve into the biomechanics with a tad more emphasis on potential injury than he speaks of the grip now. You can probably do some searches here on the forum for recent discussions on his low level of concern over which grip you decide on.
Hope that helps! Jordan, Austin, and I all use mixed grip. And Alan flips tires.