Too Hot to Train?

Hi, just to preface, I don’t really know if this is the right forum to post this or not, so excuse me. Anyways, since I’m still in high school and obviously live with my parents, I don’t really get to make decisions around here. I ordered some equipment for a home gym and now my dad’s telling me it’ll get dangerously hot in the summer and too hot to train, so it seems I’m going to have to cancel my order. So, I was just wondering, as a doctor, do you believe it would be dangerous to train in a 35+C environment? I don’t have proper isolation in my garage though opening the garage door and some windows would definitely create a breeze. I could also just train later in the day or get a fan, but my dad doesn’t seem to buy those. Since he can be pretty stubborn, I was just wondering what a doctor would think of this. Thanks!


There are risks to training in very hot temperatures, but these are particularly when there is a lack of ventilation or a lack of water available (for example, football players wearing tons of equipment who are not allowed water breaks during their practices).

I routinely train in temperatures that hot in my garage in the summer - I have a large power fan to run during sessions and make sure I have enough cold water and it’s been fine.

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