Training protocol for upper body hypertrophy

Hi team,

Firstly, I would like to thank you all for the amazing content you put out - I have learnt a lot from your work and am optimistic about my gainzzz for the future.

I had started training 2 years ago on the beginner prescription and followed it for the larger part of the 2 years since I enjoyed it and I was seeing improvements on the program. My goals were primarily focused on building strength.

I feel that the beginner program was taxing on the lower body - especially after heavy squats or deadlifts. This was not a problem since building S/D strength in the 1-6 rep range was a primary goal of mine.I saw strength progress through the entire program on most lifts.
However, I felt that my upper body gains were sub-par, especially in the hypertrophy department.

I would like to focus on hypertrophy for the upper body now , while maintaining or building strength in the lower body. ​
Could this be done by adding more volume to upper body work - eg more upper back or arm sessions ? Do I need to cut down on some S/D volume ?

Or do you think a change in program is called for here ? If so, which template would you recommend ?

PS - I am doing well on sleep and stress management now and in the foreseeable future if it needs to be factored into setting up a training protocol.

Thank you for looking into my post !


Thanks for the post. Glad to hear you’re in a good place!

To your question about a programming change, I do think that’s likely necessary. The Beginner Prescription is likely viable for most folks for ~ 8-12 weeks before they need to tweak things. We do this in the Beginner Template, which has two additional phases that might last another 10-16 weeks each. Suffice it to say, I would be very surprised if someone could run the full template, much less the 1st block of it for 2 years. I say this not to rib you, but to suggest that some of the experience you’ve likely had is due to inappropriate programming + emphasizing the S/D, perhaps by overshooting, dedicating more attentional focus, etc. The second and third phases of the Beginner Template have more upper body work, for example.

As far as what you should do, I’d be looking at Powerbuilding I template +/- a small Calorie surplus provided you’re a good candidate for weight gain based on your body composition.


Thanks for your response Jordan.

I confused the names of the 2 programs, I meant I ran the template version for 2 years with the first 6 months on phase 1 and the remaining 18 months on phase 2 and 3.

I assume your recommendation of PB1 is relavent even with this clarification?

Also I sit at 87 kg @ 6’4, 27 yo M. My waist is about 34 in, and bf estimate is 18%.
Based on a similar post I made in the nutrition forum I gather that maintainence is the plan here. Would you say I am a candidate for a small weight gain here?

Yea, I don’t think the template would last 2 years either. I do think PB I would be appropriate. Weight gain would be okay, though I’d aim for more maintenance.

Thanks for the clarification.

I had further questions regarding PB1 if allowed :

1 . I had taken 5 weeks off training and am restarting now. Should I jump into PB1 right away (and adjust weights to maintain rpe) ?
2. Assuming my goals stay the same and I see desired outcomes on PB1, is a viable program to be repeated ad infinitum ? Naturally if either prerequisite changes I will likely look for a new program.

Thanks once again for all the content the team puts out !