E1rm 130KG
1rm 80KG (strict OHP)
1rm 105KG Squat (2 weeks ago) now its more like 130kg since i did yesterday 100KG for 8 RPE 7.5
Just started deadlifting can’t really tell between 140-150kg
all i did before high volume programs from (some youtubers i dont wanna name…) (20-30sets per workout)
I wonder should i do your beginner template since i am back at doing squats and just starting doind deadlifts do i still have “novice gains to milk for my lower body”. And will my upper body lifts atleast stay the same.(idk if that is to low volume for BP AND OHP)
Also my goal is hypertrophy and strength(mainly to improve squat)
I’d just start a regular template. The nice thing about autoregulation is if you’re really experiencing novice gains in your squat/Deadlift you just keep adding weight till you hit the RPE prescribed for the session.
Probably one of the powerbuilding templates first then one of the strength templates.
Which one should i get Powerbuilding 1 or 2. I like training. By that i would prefer 4 day split, is it big difference in progression between those 2? Or is it just little high volume on upper body?
I don’t have PB 1 but I’d imagine the only big difference between the two would be PB 1 is three days and PB 2 is four. Having four days PB2 would, yes, have more volume. Though I don’t know how it’s spaced between lifts.
If you’re already used to a four day schedule and prefer it I’d go for PB2.