Hi Docs,
Thanks for your content; you guys are awesome!
I am seeking your advice for my next template;
Background: 51 y/o, 30 years weight training experience; though I focused most of the past 15 on a high volume of endurance work (long distance running, etc.). About two years ago I resumed focusing on strength training, with an interest in both gaining strength in SBD and hypertrophy/bodybuilding…
Over the past six months, I’ve run a combination of powerlifting and bodybuilding programming, usually on a four-day-a-week schedule. I’ve improved my work capacity and now generally complete 12-18 sets per bodypart/week. I’ve found I seem to respond better to a moderately high volume of work in the RPE 6-8 range- and I enjoy it more. RPE 9 work in the big exercises quickly pushes me past plateaus, but I stall within a few weeks. I’m okay with it in small doses, a set or two every few weeks.
My specific question: I would like to continue with my deadlift regimen (similar to phase 3 in the beginner template, with a few additional RPE 7 singles), which has been providing positive results for several weeks, while introducing different programming for everything else, with more of a focus on hypertrophy/bodybuilding. I think I am pretty adept at making substations and modifications to programming, but am wondering if certain templates might be better than others, in this context.
Thank You