Training specifically for health/quality of life improvement

Will try to make this as short as possible.

First background and current situation.

33yr old 6’1 male with diabetes.

was diagnosed 3 years ago and finally got serious about controlling it last year. Start of last year I was 286lbs. On meds for diabetes, cholesterol, and bp. Over the course of the year I started with diet, then added running, then onto strength training. Have cut weight to a low of 215lbs, but gained 15 back over the holidays and just taking a mental break from 100% diligent tracking. Currently at 233 pounds, and off all meds for issues stated above.

My reasons for dieting and training are solely quality of life based, and maybe a little vain-mess thrown in of just generally wanting to look/feel good in my body.

I have been strength training for a solid 8 months, with maybe no more than 2 weeks off for a minor surgery, and maybe a few 3-4 day trip breaks. Have been running a PPLR 4 day split for the most part. Focusing on Bench, DL, Squat, and OHP. Current lifts are bench-185x2, squat 235x3, DL-325x3, OHP-130x3.

I also do a few accessory exercises on any given day plus still run and log about 10-15 miles a week.

So this was really long winded to get to my question, but figured all the info was necessary. For someone who never plans on being a power lifter or competing, and I enjoy the training I do now, is it something I can just keep doing for as long as I want, figuring in I will eventually stop dieting, and eat at a surplus to try and get stronger/build muscle mass, and then diet down again just to get the body I want(being vain) and maintain diet/ continue lifting just as a means to manage health and what not, or will I benefit from programming changes down the road?

You will stop responding to given training and insofar as you’d like to get stronger, more conditioned, or gain more muscle- your training will have to reflect that. You’ll start regressing if the training remains the same for long periods of time after it stops working.

Ok. I’m still making some progress, although slowly, with what I’m doing now. But also want to lose another 15-20 lbs. Really have just been fucking around and kind of half ass dieting the last few months, but am starting to get serious again and want to get it done. I’m figuring just to keep doing what I’m doing for now, then possibly switching to something different for a bit of maintenance/bulk period. Would it be worth doing a nlp or something like the bridge, or just sticking with what I’m doing and changing volume/intensity. Is volume and intensity the 2 key variables when dealing with programming adaptations?