Training the pull-up

I have plateaued on pull-ups and would like to continue progression. I just completed Alan Thrall’s basic program and after 16 weeks I cannot move past 3x10 pul-ups for body weight. I feel there is no issue in my form or technique. I’ve tried adding accessory movements that would complement the pull-up like curls, cable pull-overs, rows etc. This is the only barrier I haven’t broken over these 16 weeks. I feel programming is the issue with this. Would you have any recommendation? I’m 6’2" and 211lbs, about 16% BF. I know loosing weight would help so I’m trying to get my BF % down to around 12%.

How, specifically, are you training your pull ups?

What is your goal?

Thanks for the response. My goal is to get stronger at pull-ups, ie: add weight. I feel as I can tell that a strong back helps with my other lifts. I use a pronated grip, about 1.5x shoulder width and pull from a dead hang to chin above bar each time. I can post a video if necessary. Hope this answer the question. Thanks for your time and the content you and Jordan publish.

Not sure if my previous reply went through so I’ll try again. My goal is to gain strength on the pull-up by adding weight which I hope/think will help with all other lifts. I pull from a dead hang to chin over the bar every time starting the pull by retracting the scapula/shoulder and then on.

There is an excellent article on thaining the chin-up on the SS site, by Niki Sims. Give it a read.

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