Hi everyone! It’s amazing to have found this community and the level of knowledge that I’ve observed over the course of a few days reading. I thought I’d post and gain some guidance as I’m stuck in somewhat of that purgatory state.
I’m a 27 year old male currently at 90kg at a height of 6’2 (on creatine lol). I’ve over the course of a year done a fully body recomp running initially last year ICF 3X5 to stronglifts to starting strength as I’ve gradually on a slow cut went from 100kg to 85kg. I’ve had previous weight lifting experience and after my cut i managed to hit around 14% bodyfat (based on navy calculator and visible abs without flex in lighting and some love handlez). I continually kept pushing myself on a cut, increasing my lifts and the load was too taxing each day with fatigue but my weights went up on my squat and deadlift. My stats are.
Squat: 127.5kg 3x5
Deadlift 140 1x5
Press: 52.5kg 3x5
Bench 82.5 3x5
I’ve over the course of the past week been doing a “clean bulk” and was planning on doing so for the next 4-6 weeks, and have been IMMENSELY enjoying milking out more gains on my lifts without feeling the fatigue and have been using magnesium sleep pills to help me get better rest (Probably accumulation of fatigue on a long cut just giving me restless sleep).
My question is should i just ride out a mini bulk cycle for the next few weeks and squeeze out the rest of the gains that I can or should i just switch over to the bridge and with the reduced “intensity” (I think from reading the pdf) and start cutting again. It is my intention and always has been to reach that 10% bodyfat where I can go for a good bulk sesh and grind out nice strength gains.
Appreciate the advice and respect the level of the knowledge here. Cheers