Trap Bar Deadlift Programming

I am currently running the hip rehab template:

For the trap bar deadlift should I be using the high handles or low handles? I am assuming high for the hip rehab.

And when I eventually move to the General S&C 1 template which handle height should I be using? Or does it not matter?

Also, in the pdf for the templates I do not see a form video for the trap bar. Is there a video that would help me or is it really the same thing as the conventional deadlift? I have watched Alan thralls video on the trap bar but was wondering if there was another video on it too.

I don’t think the handle height matters much. However, for whatever reason I pretty much always use the high handles when I do trap bar deadlifts. As far as how to perform them, we don’t yet have a specific video on it yet, but the fundamental mechanics are identical to a conventional deadlift. Let me know if you need some help after trying it out!

Thanks Jordan!

One more on this, if I want in the general s&c 1 could I substitute out the trap bar for the conventional for the whole program? If I do this does that need to change anything with the programming, for example day 3 has deadlift and then the last exercise is low bar. (Is it fine to keep low bar?)

the trap bar keeps irritating my low back.