Triceps Tendonitis

I am pretty sure I developed triceps tendonitis recently and wanted to see if there was any advice on how to treat it. I have read the pain in training, what do article and I am managing load properly and do not think it is really hampering my training. Also, I have noticed that the more I work the less pain I have in training. However, this does not change the general elbow pain I experience in every day life and thus I would like to correct it. It seems to flair up mostly during the morning and is quite annoying.

Currently I have stopped any exercise that I think exacerbates the issue (skull crushers) and I warm up properly when training to reduce pain then. I also have been incorporating eccentric one armed triceps pressdowns (3x20 per arm daily). Any other suggestions?

Sounds like you are cognizant on how to manage loading and altering training, which is great. Often our expectations on timeframe for improvement/resolution of symptoms is a bit off from what is needed. However, if you are adjusting loads and several weeks have gone by and you still aren’t seeing improvement then I’d say a consult may be helpful to further guide this process:…ilUWA/viewform

If activities of daily living haven’t been improving then I’d likely seek out potentially related variables to why that may be.

Just an update for anyone who might come across this later. Following the advice in “Pain in Training, What Do?” along with doing the daily eccentric one arm press downs has basically made the daily pain go away. It’s still there now and then but definitely improving and my training hasn’t suffered at all with the exception of doing a little less direct tricep work but I’m not too concerned about that. I have to say, that article and the general advice from the BBM crew about training with pain has been completely life changing. As someone who has had nagging injuries in the past and treated them the wrong way I am beyond grateful for the knowledge I’ve learned from the BBM community.