Tweaked my back on the first day after a hiatus

I’ve been on hiatus from training for several months now. I purchased the beginner template, and headed to the gym early this morning. I set up for low bar squats and began warming up conservatively keeping in mind that I’m likely not going to be squatting in the 200 lbs. I got up to 175 lb. reaching the bottom of my first rep and immidately set the bar to the pins feeling some pain in my back.

Luckily, I have listened to enough BBM to know not to catastrophize myself. I performed some air squats, re-racked the bar with 135 lbs, and performed another set. I ended up squatting the 175 lbs for reps as my final set. That said, all my pain came from the very top of the squat. After listening to Austin Baraki’s lecture on what do, I realize that I should have probably tried less weight or a different variation. That said, I still think I’m on the right track.

This is not the way I would have liked to begin training again, but what am I going to do? I’d rather learn from the onset than going back to being sedentary.

Hey @reygunz sorry to hear about the recent low back pain BUT I gotta commend you on your mindset and approach both during the session and now. Sounds like you know how to self-manage through this - which is awesome. Also glad to hear you are getting back to training, good work.

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