Back tweak

I am currently on week 6 of The Bridge and seeing great improvements. I currently have 425/squat, 320/bench, 450ish/deadlift, and 200ish/press. When I was doing my paused deadlift on Tuesday I was wasn’t tight and enough and I think I let the bar drift away. During the pause I felt my back get tweaked and I immediately dropped the bar. Today I went back to gym because I was feeling ok. It 100% but wanted to go. I started my pin squat low and felt ok. I was going to make my working sets just 200 lbs and when I got to that point my back gave out again. Worse this time. I didn’t panic just like Austin and Jordan suggest and advise. It was really ba at first but I continued to move around. I feel I might need to be wise and recover more with a lot more discretion on my training. When I do get back into the program should I start back where I left off? Should I start over? Does anyone have opinion or experience with this?

Hey Charlie, how’s your back been?