I was in week six of The Bridge last week. On the first session I started to perform my paused DL and during the pause I really tweaked my back. I didn’t panic or anything. I started to feel a little better and proceeded to start session two of the week. My back wasn’t 100% at all but i wanted to stay moving. I started off with the pin squat with just the bar. I ended up at 185 for my working sets which is really light and i thought i could handle it because my warm ups felt kind of ok. When i went into the hole my back gave out. It was worse than the first tweak on day 1. I almost couldn’t make it to the car. That being said I am going to make a proper recovery while still being as active as possible. I’m feeling better today but will give more time. My question is do I start the program over when I am at full recovery or proceed with week 6? I imagine it will be a couple of weeks at least before full recovery maybe more.