Hi, hoping someone can help explain this phenomenon.
Woke up couple weeks ago with some pretty serious ulnar-sided wrist pain(tfcc I think it’s called). It has progressively worsened.
weakened grip (ring and pinky finger), pain on supination, some relief with pressure. Haven’t been able to press, or any perform any sort of row. Can squat and deadlift as long as I concentrate on not moving wrist too much (straps for deads).
No prior wrist injuries, is left wrist which is my non-dominant.
I also woke up today with a very minor ache in right wrist, same location as left just a lot less severe. This went away within an hour or two.
I have my final physical test for police entrance in a Few week, and I’m going for our version of SWAT, so is important I excel. However, the Testing includes a grip test and pushups, which kil on the wrist.
Unfortunately I cannot see a physio or anything; partly because I’m in a small rural town and they’re all hopeless, but mainly because it’ll go on my record and I’ll likely be stood down for a period in my application.
Any help would be extremelyyyyyy appreciated. Whether it be cause and ways to avoid, methods to start it so I can still function, or some form of treatment.
How old are you?
Do you recall anything in particular during onset of this issue?
What are you experiencing (describe it)?
Has this occurred in the past?
What’s training looked like recently?