I was wondering if you could offer me any advice dealing with my ulnar side wrist injury which I have self-diagnosed as TFCC.
The symptoms - I have noticeable pain and ache when supinating my wrist. I have moderate pain when pressing weight in a certain manner with the load centered on wrist, to compensate this I usually try to shift the load to my thumbs if possible to reduce the load on the ulnar side, which sometimes causes some instability. It’s difficult for me to grip any heavy loads if my wrist is supinated, I have begun double overhanding the bar when I help unrack someone for a spot on the bench because of the pain.
Some other potentially relevant information - I can snap or pop my wrist with ease and often by accident. Ulnar side of elbow sometimes feels tender to touch. During some presses, my elbow tendon will snap over the bone. This doesn’t cause a lot of pain, but it is annoying. The injury has been present for about the last 4 months, with more severe bouts of flaring periodically. Perhaps definitely TMI, but fapping seems to aggravate it. Nothing I can think of that consistently precedes the bouts of flaring though unfortunately.
It isn’t a tremendously interfering issue to my training, I still experience decent progress in increased e1rm and hypertrophy. Nonetheless, sometimes the pain and occasional weakness is just really a bitch.
Do you think my diagnosis of TFCC is correct? If so, do you have any advice on alleviating the symptoms or advice to aid the recovery process? What are some expectations I should have about TFCC?
Hey @angusbeef sorry to hear about the situation. We would need a consultation to provide individual insight and guidance. Have you checked out this article for general advice on modifying programming: https://www.barbellmedicine.com/blog…ining-what-do/
Generally speaking in the absence of a trauma (such as a fall on outstretched arm), perhaps regulating loading to the area with pressing without altering your usual grip and introducing some tolerable loads to the area via supination/pronation (such as this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JqkJGiYDAEA) and supination such as biceps curls to tolerance, may be helpful. This is obviously broadly speaking without knowing specific details of your case that we would gain from a consultation.