Upper pain on the inside of my knee

Hey guys,

First off, just want to say thank you. BBM put me onto RPE training and changed my training life. So many PRs thanks to you guys.

I’ve experienced knee discomfort over the last few months off and on. It is only triggered by squats, around 5 inches from the bottom of my squat. It’s usually very tolerable, but a few weeks ago during a squat session the pain was extreme. Couldn’t even body weight squat.

We’re now back to it being tolerable. I mostly only experience it during squat sessions. Otherwise it doesn’t impact my life at all, aside from very mild discomfort when first getting out of bed or walking stairs.

What would you suggest here? My coach currently has me swuating 3x a week (comp, pin, paused). I’m thinking of asking him to move reps to 8-10, add temp to my comp and get rid of pin.

what do you guys think?

I think those are reasonable interventions to try first; they sound a lot like the kinds of things we recommend here: Pain in Training: What To Do?

Thank you sir.