Using final weeks of 12 Week Strength Template for peaking

For background, I’ve been lifting for less than a year. I’ve completed SSNLP, Bridge 1.0, and have done about six weeks of the HLM. I have my first powerlifting meet in November. I’ve seen on previous posts that BBM recommends using the final four weeks of the 12 Week Strength Program for meet peaking. Here’s my question. Given that peaking involves some decrease in total volume/training stress compared to recent training, and that HLM has less volume that the 12 Week Strength Template, should I try to reduce the volume of this final 4 week block of the Strength Template in an effort to reduce the volume and replicate the peaking effect? If it helps, I found the HLM development block to be plenty of training stress for me.

Hi Lyosh,

I think you’ll benefit from the new BBM peaking templates, actually.