Question for the docs about templates and pl meet prep.
I just started back to pl specificity with ofcourse none better than BBM. I opted for low fatigue based on 5yrs of chronic stress from loss and life change… I’m doing really well
I purchased that one as soon as I read it ca be used for meet prep.
Question: If I run it as is on a 3 day for 12wk prep will I switch to the 3wk peak right? It’s strength so it’s different than I’m used to for meet prep. It is a good option yes? I hate peaking also so not sure it’s absolutely necessary to do the peak program. ???
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Thanks for joining the forum. It’s great to have you here!
To answer your question, yes, I would do the 3-week peak included in the template in preparation for a powerlifting meet. Reason being, we really want to get you good at the skills (single rep efforts), which must be trained at higher intensity. The intensity bump tends to limit how much training volume can be done, which is why the peaking block is programmed as it is. While you could just run the program for 12 weeks, not run the peaking block, and do the meet…I don’t think you’d lift as much weight at the meet compared to doing the peaking block. Just my 0.02.
The templates are 16 weeks long, so you’ll have to cut a few weeks out to make it work. If it were me, I’d cut 1 week from the developmental block, 1 week from the specialization block, the pivot week preceding the peaking block, and the testing week. The last week of your training prior to the meet should be similar to week 15, where I would skip Day 3 entirely. In this way, your peak block will be very similar to regular training as you prefer 
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