Hi Jordan,
Do you see anything wrong with getting almost all my daily protein (~180 g / day) from whey protein powder? I also eat 10+ servings / day of a variety of fruits and vegetables. I’ve been doing this for 2 years now and find it very sustainable.
You definitely aren’t getting all your daily protein from whey protein, as there is protein in fruits, vegetables, and fat sources.
I think you’re likely missing out on lots of social occasions, potentially some essential fatty acids and vitamins, while potentially exposing yourself to a supplement that may be contaminated.
Could you do this and avoid these pitfalls? Sure, but I don’t think you’re developing the eating behaviors necessary to live a healthy and fulfilling life.
Thanks. I don’t have anything against eating meat and I do so on social occasions. It’s just that the majority of my days are as I described. Just considering essential fatty acids and vitamins, how much meat would you recommend?
I don’t have a meat recommendation, but I would aim for ~2 meals per day and 2 shakes if you’re going to use them.
Thanks. Is contaminated protein powder prevalent enough to really worry about? Do you have any opinions on MyProtein? I’ve been using them exclusively for the last few years.
Yea, about 1/3 to 1/2 of all protein is contaminated, though the data is not that straightforward. I don’t have any opinions on MyProtein.