I had the vasectomy today. What’s your experience with how long you had to take to get back to 100%? I know everybody is different but I’m bored and laying here scrolling the BBM forums.
I was back to 100% by two weeks. I was able to do upper body stuff (press / bench press / chins) by the third day. I carefully tested squats and deadlift after 1 week but the movement and compression felt pretty bad. Rack pulls from just below the knee were doable at that point but I still didn’t want to squat.
Andy, I’m wondering what was the same and diferent about your recovery as my vasectomy is tomorrow. Thanks
I followed my drs advice and took it easy for 5 days. I also kept frozen peas on the boys as much as possible. I felt mostly fine after 2 days but continued to take it easy. I’d say it paid off getting back to normal. Several buddies didn’t follow and paid for it by having to reset and go back to the peas. I was probably 100% 3 weeks. But lifting after about 10 days.
For posterity, I feel like I could have returned to training earlier than 10d after my procedure. Lifted relatively (for me) heavy singles on 1st and 2nd day back and have been increasing volume since returning.
Log portion here:https://forum.barbellmedicine.com/forums/unmoderated-forums/training-logs/2635-ryan-s-log?p=23293#post23293
Further anecdotally, soreness lingers still ~8wks after, mainly when I stand from sitting for a long time. Pain never gets above a 2/10. The nootz are more sensitive than I’ve previously been used to but still, fine.