Post Op follow up

Hey Doc, hope all is well.

A little while ago I asked on the Medical Forum about better recovery after a Nasal Surgery and the response that given on that topic was “I’m not sure how we’re supposed to predict this. Maybe?”

Turns out, a lot was done. It took 4 hours and 2 surgeons to get the job done, and I have attached a photo of the work that was done just to paint a picture.

With this updated information, would that change your response to “Will there be better recovery post op”?

The reason I am asking this again is because my desire to get back under the bar (no lift for 6 weeks) is extremely low because of the progress(or lack there of) I made in the ~1.5 - 2 years of Barbell Training and I am questioning if I would be better off taking up another physical activity that better suits my body type.

To paint a picture of my progress, I ran out the LP, got 2 hours of in person form coaching by an SSC, and 5 months of SSOC to hit a 275lbs squat for 1 @ 10 (was told I had the highest volume out of all clients) with a BW at around 208lbs and around 20 - 25, 6’4. and was 23 year old Male.

Thanks doc, BBM is the only thing keeping me thinking about the Barbell.

This surgical information doesn’t really change my thinking.

I also don’t know whether your training progress was actually due to a recovery issue at all. It could have been that you just didn’t respond particularly well to the programming you did, and would benefit from a different programming approach, and/or a higher dose of stimulus compared to what the SS folks were presumably giving you.

You are obviously free to pursue whatever physical activities you want, but we recommend that everyone perform at least 2 days per week of strength training, even if training for 1RMs on the barbell lifts isn’t the primary goal.