So I am trying to optimize my health for reducing risk of disease etc. Reading some things about vitamin K lately which seem very interesting and would love to hear your thoughts.
I live in an area where I can’t get enough vit D from the sun so I am taking it year round. I now read that you should always take vit K with vit D so the calcium goes to the right tissues. Your thoughts and if yes what ratio should be maintained?
Seems like I can get my vit K1 from foods but that K2 is pretty hard for me. Thoughts on taking it daily for general health? If so, there are different kinds of K2, what kind is best? MK7 or MK4 for example I see a lot.
I also saw K1 can be converted to K2 in the body. But read some confusing articles about this… If true, one would only have to get enough K1 from green foods right?
Any other thoughts on K that would be helpfull?
Thank you in advance, love your content.
Kind regards