Whats next after the four day hypertrophy program, with less time?

Hello! Im just finishing up the 4 day hypertrophy program and I loved it. However im not sure where to go from here. For the next several months ill have more time restraints due to work. So Ill either have three days or four shorter days. Friday, Saturday and Sunday are out. Any thoughts on what to move on to

You can do Day 1 to 4 sequentially from Monday to Thursday and do the GPP work wherever and whenever you can given the time constraints. You can also limit the rest between sets if it means you can get the volume in.

Thanks for the response. Sequentially is definitely a good way to go. So should I just start the hypertrophy program over or start something else?

Depends, what are your goals? If your #1 priority is to get jacked and strength is not really a high priority, then yeah go for it. If increasing strength is also a high priority, rotating the 12 week strength with 4 day hypertrophy is a pretty good way to go.

If you have to go down to 3 day per week and want to run a strength based template next, then another option would be to do the Bridge 2.0 but add in extra sets on your main lift backoffs since you’re used to higher weekly volumes. So instead of 4 backoff sets, see if you can jack that up to like 6 or 7 sets.

Awesome, thanks!!!