I am a 42 yr old male, 5’11", 215lbs, 43" waist. My main, immediate goal is to lose body fat and increase my general health.
I ran the SSLP last year, took some time off and re-ran it again at the beginning of this year. I sprained my MCL last June and haven’t lifted since. The only regular exercise I’ve had since June is swimming 2000m 3days/week. To lose weight, I’ve just started to limit my caloric intake to 2000 cal/day.
I had planned to jump back on the SSLP. After listening to Jordan’s instagram live interactions, I’m not sure if that’s a good idea. Should I start the Bridge, or the GGP/Endurance Template, or go back to the SSLP?
I have no idea where I stand with my Squat, Presses or pulls since it’s been 6 months since I’ve lifted. Should I jump on the SSLP for a couple weeks then move to the Bridge or GGP/Endurance?
Any Advice is appreciated!