12 Week Press Template Q's

Just bought it and I am stoked to get after a well written program for once. I did have a couple of questions about the program.

GPP: Are these suppose to be independent days or can they be done after lifting days. Also, can I substitute light 100ft carries(~20sec) or yoke for the sprint work (if so what %? 50%). Also, do you think its acceptable to use SSB bar in place of high-bar squats? (I have some soft tissue damage where the high bar sits and gives me Quasimodo back.)

I know Alan is programming for Szatmary right now, but it would be amazing if you guys made some strongman/BB programs. One for off season maximal strength with some implement proficiency, and one more endurance and event based for comps. For those of us novice strongman we have an interesting challenge in increasing our maximal strength while obtaining proficiency at all the events. Its painful to walk away from my implements for the next 12 weeks but its necessary to become a “BarakiBaum”. hashtag Barakibaum strong.

Hope you enjoy the program!
GPP-you can do this on separate days or post-training. We don’t suggest carries as a sub for the sprints, but you’re an adult and get to make that choice. :slight_smile: SSB for the HBBS would be fine.