I’ve recently finished SSNLP and am currently entering week 4 of the Bridge 1.0. Here are some stats if it provides you with some background:
Age: 42
Started SSNLP in December 2017, ended earlier this June (my run was lengthened due to illness and surgery)
Height: 5’11”
Weight: started at 168, currently at 188
Squat: started at 125, currently at an e1RM of 285 or 290 (obviously not a great responder, but I’ve still seen steady but slow progress)
Here’s my question. The four day volume of the 12 week strength program seems markedly higher than the Bridge (so far the Bridge volume is challenging but recoverable for me so far). I’d love to start competing at some point, and I’d love to get as strong as possible over the long run. Based on my age and mediocre training sensitivity, should I make modifications proactively to the program such as shifting to the 3 day version? If not, what are my leading indicators that would lead me to making modifications during the course of the program? Feel free to tell me to suck it up and train harder to get stronger.
Thanks in advance, and thanks for putting out such a thoughtful product.