Volume, strength and hypertrophy progress

I’ve got a programming question.

I finished the SSNLP a couple months ago and have training with a higher volume hypertrophy setup ever since. I am progressing weekly, and it looks like this:

Candito Linear Program


Heavy Lower Day

Squat ­(3x6)

Pause Deadlift ­(2x6)

/Calf Raise/ ­(5x15)

Tuesday ­

Heavy Upper Day

Bench Press ­(3x6)

Standing Press ­(1x6)

Barbell Row ­(3x6)

Chin Up­ (1x6)

DB Curl (3x10)

/Face Pull/ ­(5x15)

Thursday ­

Hypertrophy Lower

Pause Squat ­(5x8)

Snatch Grip DL ­(3x8)

/Calf Raise/­ (5x15)

Friday ­

Hypertrophy Upper

CG Bench (5x8)

DB Incline ­(5x8)

DB Row ­(5x8)

Pull Down (5x8)

DB Overhead (­3x10)

DB Curl (3x10)

/Face Pull­/ (5x15)

Would it be appropriate for me to move over to the Bridge after this, and then 12 Week Strength?
Could I get stronger?
Could I get bigger?

(22 years old healthy male, 5’11, 170 lbs, 15% BF)

You could do either template, sure. I would expect you to get stronger and bigger if you commit to gaining weight, as you are 30-40lbs underweight at this time.

Additionally, I don’t love upper/lower splits like this.

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