12W Strength, W10 Patellar Tendinopathy


First off, thank you for all that you do. I’ve made considerable progress over the past few months using both the 12W Strength and 4-day 7-week Hypertrophy programs.

Basic Info: Age: 21 | Weight: 190lbs | Training: 3-4 Years | Best Lifts: S - 450, B - 320, D - 515

Issue: On week 7 of 12W strength, I noticed pain right below my left knee immediately following 8-rep beltless volume squats. The following week, I had some discomfort during my competition squats so I cut the 8-rep beltless squats and my condition improved a bit. Now on week 9, my competition squats went alright (445x1 @ 9) but the pain got slightly worse as I went through the back-off sets.

The pain was most noticeable this past Saturday while doing pin squats. Now, on the verge of starting week 10, the pain has gotten worse while walking, going up (or down) stairs, and even sitting. I’d rate the pain at 2/10 on average while it sometimes reaches a 4-5.

Problem: The StrongerbyScience article on tendinopathy was helpful but I’m questioning whether or not I should push through the last few weeks of the program and cut out some of the squat volume on the accessory movements to better manage loading or switch to the 16 week knee rehab template while finishing up my benching on 12W strength.

Additionally, I have no pain while deadlifting unless I hit a specific spot right below my left knee. Deficit deadlifts were completely unaffected this past weekend.

Thank you for the help, gents.


I would probably not push on into the final (higher intensity) stages of the program, as you’ll likely end up having to pull back afterwards anyway.

I would definitely drop the squat intensity back, bump up the reps, and incorporate some tempo work (probably starting out on three non-consecutive days of the week).

@Austin_Baraki Thank you, Dr. Baraki. I purchased the 16-week knee rehab template after reading your response. I’m going to start with Phase 2 next week (I already squatted and deadlifted again this week). I’ll be doing low-bar squats (instead of belt squats) & conventional deadlifts for the two bi-lateral leg slots.

Do you have any recommendation for the two single leg movement slots? I’m planning on leaving them both as Bulgarian split squat. Likewise, the template says to do 3-0-3 for all movements. Would you advise I do deadlift as is (just decreasing intensity) or also do a 3-0-3 tempo with that movement as well?

As an aside, I enjoyed listening to episode #52. I’ll be graduating this year and then working for two-three additional years before pursuing an MBA. I found the insights on studying techniques to be helpful even though business school and the GMAT are both considerably more mild hurdles than medical school and the MCAT.


@Tom_T sorry to hear about the recent symptoms. Thanks for trusting us to guide the process by purchasing the knee rehab template.

Given your acute onset - I recommend only switching provocative movements (hip and knee flexion for squatting and single leg work) to the HSR tempo (3.0.3).

For exercise selection - it’s up to you but I typically recommend having some variety in phase 2.

@Michael_Ray many thanks. You, along with the rest of BBM, create valuable content - average lifters like myself are lucky to have such a resource!

I’ll stick to the HSR tempo for the provocative movements. I’d like to decrease the rep range for deadlifts (6-8) but I figure that may compromise recovery so I’ll follow the program.