1RM estimation

In episode 129 on progressive overload you provide and example of a top set of 4 reps @8. You then say back off sets of 6 sets of 4 reps will be done at 72% of the est. 1RM. I am wondering how you calculate the E1RM. For example: if my 4 @8 top set is 315, are my workings sets 72% of 315 or 72% of an E1RM based off of 315 being the top set. If the latter, how would you calculate the 1RM based off of 315?

Hi Steve,

Good question! This would be 72% from your e1rm. You can find that by entering the 315 x 4 @8 into an RPE calculator. All of our templates include this calculator and it’s an automatic function on the template logging pages. There are also some simple RPE calculators online.