What rough percentage of my E1RM should I be using for the 3-0-3 Tempo Squat and Rack Pulls? I’m four weeks into the Bridge and think I may be going too heavy.
There isn’t a standard percentage we can give you.
How are you choosing your work weights?
I’m just looking for a general range for a sanity check. I’m currently using RPE to select my weights.
For example, I’m doing Back Squat w/ Belt with 315 for 4 sets of 5 @ 8-8.5.
I’m using 255 for 3-0-3 Tempo Squats for 2 sets of 8 @ 9-9.5 (which is really tough).
I just heard somewhere that Tempo Squats should be ~50% of E1RM. I’m going much heavier than that.
I don’t know where you heard that. The weight will depend on rep range and target RPE.
If you’re actually using RPE to select weights, then hitting @9-9.5 tells you it’s obviously too heavy compared to the prescribed target. Adjust the weight down to hit the target RPE.
Roger that. Thanks for the guidance.