Hello Coaches/Doctors,
I have started running the Bridge to the letter for squat after waiting for knees to feel better. Friday I did 3-0-3 squats for eight reps. Near the end of the set, my back (rear shoulders?) was/were so fatigued that I could not isometrically contract my rear deltoids any longer, meaning the bar was supported solely by my mushy relaxed muscles and my arms. Is this how everybody experiences doing sets of 8 3-0-3 squats?
Also, I don’t really care as much about horizontal (chest) strength as I do Pressing strength, which is why I am running the Bridge with 2 press days. I love Push Press , and I was wondering if I could do 2 Press, 1 Push Press. Considering the fact that I don’t care about chest strength, is that a potentially viable thing to do? The Push Press would provide an overload for the triceps, similar to bench except the specificity level would be higher in relation to Press.