7 week GPP template equipment requirements.

Just checking I can run this program with the gear I have on hand since I train out of home.

Rack + dip station and chin bars.
Straight bar x 2
Heavy bag
Trap bar
About an acre and a half of paddock on a slight incline.
A set of 4, 12 and 16 kg kettle bells. Somewhere.

No dumbbells
No bike (stationary)
No rower

Good to go?


The 7 week GPP hypertrophy template needs the following-Equipment-rack, barbell, free weights, bench, incline bench, optional: DBs, leg press, SSB

That would be good to go then. Cheers.

How critical is the incline bench? I’m getting ready to start the 7 week GPP Hypertrophy template and I have a garage gym with everything except an incline bench.

You can get away with out, and you can also live dangerously and rig one up with your flat bench. :slight_smile:

You can improvise one up as Leah suggested, I know, I’ve tried it. But it only works on the slightest of angles. You quickly realize that little hinged pad that wedges your ass in place on a dedicated incline bench isn’t just there for looks…

Great, thanks!